MSR Model 005-919 Fan Heater 8,000 BTU @ 180F 3 GPM Flow
This heater equipped with 3” duct and air grill will fit into those location where the 4” ducting cannot fit. Similar equipped as the Models 005-905FF and 914FF for in-field fan motor and air outlet air swap. These FF Models can also be rotated 180 degrees, so the top becomes the bottom for water hose routing without the need for hose cross over. Dual air vent fittings allow this feature. The Models 905FF, 914FF and 919FF are all equipped with a five pass water coil for superior water flow and heat output. Standard 3/4″ FPT connections.
Height: 5.75”
Width: 7”
Depth: 8.5”
12 or 24V Models Available
Low amperage or high capacity defrost fan 12VDC or 24VDC